Post-Mortem to Geniuses
As an anniversary, we want to deliver to our very beloved Maestros, a humble Tribute, in the name of their own musicians-descendants, as well as its preservation and dissemination, which today we treasure with affection, for all their dedication and immense legacy, with the obligatory Post-Mortem Recognition, one by one, in remembrance, they will be present at all the celebrations of
By the classical music musicians who value the Legacy of our eternal Maestros 10 centuries music guido
Guido is the forerunner of all great composers, he initiated the unimaginable,
the infinite descends to the musical score
Guido made humanity walk a huge step as a cultured civilization and thanks to him the transcendence is assured
Guido's musical score
A wonderful idea that not only made it possible to visualize the height of the sounds in today's stave music, it also gave names to the musical notes (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si), in such a way that it allowed writing the more complex polyphonic structures and that today the best musicians around the world continue to use
Guido's millennium
The Father of Music
Guido D’Arezzo, inventor of in music theory solfege
Solfeggio of the musical score
Since 1000 years ago when Master Guido made Humanity possess the secrets to preserve music
Maestro Guido invented the functional musical score that made possible the transcendence of all musicians, today many of them are considered geniuses of Humanity and awarded the PremioBatuta
In the video presented here, the extraordinary Howard Gooddall, Composer and Maestro, illustrates us with the invention of the musician Guido D'Arezzo born 1000 years ago, the score of the method that made it possible to interpret music without having ever heard, the solid foundation of the so-called classical music musicians, a musicians that today Recognizes its own colleagues with the PremioBatuta®
En el video que aquí se presenta, el extraordinario Howard Gooddall, compositor y Maestro, nos ilustra con el invento del músico Guido D'Arezzo nacido hace 1000 años: la partitura del método que posibilitó interpretar música sin necesidad de haberla escuchado nunca antes, base de los músicos de la llamada música clásica, músicos que hoy Reconocen a sus colegas con el PremioBatuta®
Excellence in cello, whose example should be promoted and recognized among new generations
An outstanding Maestro, in all that he undertook. Conductor, the genius of orchestra conducting. Composer, designer of concert halls. Creator of institutions and new audiences. Eduardo Mata inspired creation of the first Prizes of his colleagues classical music musicians, PremioBatuta.
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The hallmark of classical music' beethovenes club
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